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詠春訓練程序著重安全及系統化教授梁挺詠春課程; 即以傳統個別教授方式配合先進教學法由淺入深,無一遺漏,避免師傅留回一招半式。學習詠春着重掌握細節及拳理概念; 課堂上還會詳細講解技擊動作和拳理。學習詠春,只要得到師傅指導及適當練習,一般可短時間內學會。當然,要達到怎樣的水平,就得看個人肯花多少時間和功夫。


1.  熟練詠春套路次序、位置
2.  鍛鍊對應身體部位

3.  掌握有關詠春技巧
4.  應用詠春基本手法

As a flexible and proven training method, Leung Ting WingTsun system helps ordinary people in learning WingTsun in ways which are safe and effective:

  • To master the forms

  • To strengthen the respective body parts

  • To understand the respective WingTsun techniques and

  • To practice and use the applications


小念頭 詠春基礎入門套路

特色包括: 二字拑羊馬、三式拳種:膀、攤、伏,三式掌法,㩒手、攤手、拂手、抌手、窒手。雖然為詠春入門課程,但其重要性不可忽視。

  • Siu Nim Tao, aka Little Idea is the first and elementary form of WingTsun(Wing Chun), constitutes all the basic movements of WingTsun, including Wing Arm, tan Sao and Fook Sao.

Sifuangus SNT demo

尋橋 詠春中級套路


  • Bridge-Seeking is the second and intermediate form of WingTsun.  With the hands techniques learnt from the SNT, we move on to learn to defense with aid of some basic footwork like stances and steps.

Sifuangus Bridge-Searching Demo
bridge seeking
Sticky hands
Sifuangus Sticking hands

黐手: 詠春獨特訓練方式

訓練目的: 首先著重手部感覺,進一步把小念頭、尋橋所學到的動作運用到黐手訓練上下盤; 最後就是全身自然、條件反射式動作。黐手練習包括: 

  • 單黐手

  • 雙黐手、盤手

梁挺詠春」擁有系統化課程黐手課程。由梁挺博士編定,超過五十年海內外學員實踐,成效有目共睹; 其中包括一至七節黐手課程,達到全面而又完整的訓練效果


  • 基本搏擊手法及步法配合

  • 應付擒拿及反擒拿方法

  • 手感和步法配合

  • 雙拳、滾手運用方法

  • 跳橋搶攻、以打為消

  • 拂手貼身運用及消解

  • 甩打

Chi Sao, aka Sticking Hands

  • Helping students to develop their form, sensitivity, tactile reflexes, and structure integrity, Chi Sao or "Sticking hand" is a training program characteristic of WingTsun Kung Fu.  GGM Leung Ting has arranged and organized Chi Sau movements into 7 sections.  Each of these sections has a key feature.

  1.  Fundamental Chi Sao techniques

  2.  Anti-grappling/ arm-locking

  3.  Coordination of Upper and Lower body with advanced hand techniques

  4.  Double Punches

  5.  Attack from the indoor side

  6.  Defense from the indoor area

  7.  Lat Sao: sparring, free-form fighting


  • 在前兩套拳基礎上,進一步體現詠春「以攻為守」、「以打為消」進取技擊方法。其中焦點之一就是學習標指「趿、跪、批」㬹法。

  • Biu Tze is the third and most advanced set in the WingTsun system.  WingTsun Biu Tze definitely realizes one of the WingTsun mottos, "the best defense is to attack".  One of the key focuses is on the elbow strikes.

Sifuangus Biu Tze
Biu Tse


  • 116式木人樁法。詠春拳的高深技法皆藏於樁法內,如黐腳。除了功法外,木人樁也涉及抽象思維運用。故此,詠春不但鍛鍊身體,而且也可領略詠春思維方式,培養個人心智。

  • The Wooden Dummy consists of 116 techniques with abstraction applied.

Sifuangus Wooden Dummy
wooden dummy


  • 詠春器械之一,據說傳自於至善禪師,後黃華保與梁二娣以拳易棍,成為詠春系統其中一環。含有七式棍種,諳合詠春心法運用。

  • Integrated into the WingTsun system, the Six-and-a-half-point Pole includes 7 core long pole principles.

Sifuangus Long Pole
Six and a half point pole


  • 又稱「絕刀」, 即八節攻守動作。屬本門最高秘密。

  • WingTsun's most secret techniques: Eight Cutting Knives movements, aka Bart-Cham-Dao.

WT Top secret Technique
Eight Cutting Knives

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